
Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a non-surgical treatment for periodontal disease which uses specific instruments to remove harmful bacteria, deposits, and infection around affected teeth. Once these specific organisms and bacteria have been removed, a patient’s gum can slowly return to a natural healthy state.

Broadway Perio is proud to offer a staff of hygienists with extensive experience in the specialized cleaning of teeth and gums with periodontal disease. Each session will typically consist of a thorough deep cleaning and education on how to care for your gums at home.

A patient who is referred by their dentist to a periodontal office will usually have a gum condition that will require cleanings on a more frequent basis than the usual twice-a-year interval. Once Dr. Roemermann assesses the state of your gums, we will prepare a personalized cleaning schedule specific to your needs.

Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is a procedure in which a variety of techniques are used to either restore the missing gum or strengthen the existing gum. The resulting increase in gum tissue helps to prevent future recession, improve aesthetics, increase tooth support, and reduce the risk for cavities, cold sensitivity and trapping plaque. 

Gum grafting can also be used to “plump up” gum and improve the aesthetics of areas without teeth (eg. underneath a bridge).

Teeth that suffer from gum loss (also known as recession) can present with a number of issues including:

  • Loss of tooth-supporting gum and bone
  • Loss of aesthetics (longer looking teeth)
  • Increased risk for cold sensitivity
  • Increased risk for cavities
  • Increased risk for trapping plaque

Free Gingival Graft

The purpose is to augment the tissue and to try to prevent further bone loss and recession. A piece of tissue along the roof of your mouth is taken and inserted to reinforce your gums in weak and receding places.

Connective Tissue Graft

This procedure involves cutting tissue from the roof of the mouth to gain access to a second layer of tissue. The soft tissue is then attached and stitched to the existing gum tissue that surrounds the exposed tooth root.

Crown Lengthening

In certain instances, an individual may have an excessive upper gum covering their teeth (a so called “gummy smile”) or a patient may not have enough exposed tooth to support a crown placement.

Crown lengthening is a procedure in which a patient’s gums are repositioned in order to expose more tooth structure. This reveals the normal tooth structure hidden behind excess gums and/or allows for the better retention of crowns. Crown lengthening can also be performed to improve aesthetics of the gum around existing crowns and veneers.

Bone Grafting

Bone loss can occur in a patient’s mouth from periodontal disease, trauma, or after the extraction of teeth. This loss may decrease the support around a tooth, reduce aesthetics, and/or diminish the amount of bone available for a dental implant. Bone grafting can be performed in order to help reduce and eliminate these problems.

There are several methods and materials available for bone grafting. If you are considered a good candidate for bone grafting, Dr. Roemermann will be happy to discuss the options available to you and help find what works best for your needs.  

Pocket Reduction Surgery

In cases of advanced gum disease and/or excessive tissue, sometimes even the most stringent dental cleanings aren’t able to remove all of the bacteria affecting the gum. In these instances, a surgical procedure known as pocket reduction surgery may be required.

This procedure provides access to those areas that are unreachable by regular scaling and root planing and includes careful reshaping of the supporting tissues. The final result includes the elimination of deep gum pockets and is easier to clean for the maintenance of good oral hygiene.


A frenum is a naturally occurring tissue attachment found on the outside surface of certain areas of your gums, as well as under your tongue. Occasionally, this attachment can be quite strong and may pull the gums away from a tooth. A procedure known as a frenectomy is used to easily remove this attachment and prevent future problems.

Canine Exposure

A canine exposure, is a procedure performed to expose a canine tooth that is impacted, meaning it hasn’t erupted properly and is trapped beneath the gum line or bone. The canine teeth, also known as cuspids or eye teeth, are the pointed teeth located next to the incisors. The procedure typically involves making an incision in the gum tissue and possibly removing some bone to expose the impacted tooth.

In some cases, canines may fail to erupt due to factors such as overcrowding, misalignment, or obstruction by other teeth.